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"We can't help everyone, but everyone can help someone." ― Ronald Reagan

Association of American Sports in Bulgaria

Better at Sports, Better in Life


The Association of American Sports in Bulgaria (AASB) is a not-for-profit organization. Its mission is to
popularize traditional American Sports in Bulgaria.


Traditional American sports such as basketball, baseball, football and hockey provide:

  • an attractive alternative to kids’ fixation on digital entertainment;
  • an attractive alternative to traditional sports in Bulgaria such as European football/soccer, volleyball and various non-competitive activities such as swimming, athletics, etc.
  • an insight into the values of teamwork and striving towards a common goal
  • valuable habits, which transfer into everyday life such as discipline, perseverance, dignity application and adhering to a responsible and healthy lifestyle.


AASB aims to work towards achieving its mission through:

  • building upon the existing awareness and popularity of American sports in Bulgaria;
  • building upon the experience, expertise of local American sports enthusiasts as well as utilizing the popularity of Bulgarian sports celebrities;
  • tapping the wealth of the American approach to sports via American experts at both professional and amateur level;
  • serving as an intermediary between various institutions such as schools, businesses, sports associations and clubs.
  • working towards improving existing and developing new infrastructure;
  • providing quality equipment and coaching, statisticians and referees


  • Organizational Structure:
    • Board of directors;
    • Chairman;
    • Vice Chairmen;
    • Board of Founders (17 persons);
    • Members (30 persons);
  • Promotion:
    • Online Presence:
    • Planned Event: organizing sports events with the participation of teams representing embassies, businesses and other organizations in Bulgaria;
    • Regular participation in high-profile TV sports shows;
    • Series of publications in leading sports websites.
  • Activities:
    • Seminars/Webinars/Training for coaches, referees, athletes;
    • Improving existing infrastructure for American sports;
    • Creating new “grassroots” infrastructure;
    • Buying equipment for existing and new clubs.
  • Financing:
    • Sponsorship:
      • IT Companies:
        • ScaleFocus
        • Barin Sports
        • Pivi Tech
    • Annual Membership Fee